Wim van der Kant was born February 27, 1949, in Kampen, The Netherlands. He studied at the Academy of Art in Amersfoort, where today he lives and works in his studio. For some years now he and his wife, Rita van der Kant-Klomp, who also works as an artist, have maintained a small artistic enterprise named "Van der Kant-Portrettisten." Wim is represented by:

Galerie Utrecht
Oudegracht 340
NL - 3511 PM Utrecht

    Wim van der Kant and Otto Lohmüller are bound by a longlasting friendship, which developed during several family vacations, spent together at the Ardèche, France.

"Duco Lineum" Wim van der Kant
Detail from 'Lucifer Evigilans," Wim van der Kant
"Meto," Wim van der Kant
'Lucifer Evigilans," Wim van der Kant
The copyright for all artwork shown on this page is held exclusively by the sculptor, Wim Van der Kant.
'Suspensus," Wim van der Kant